I used to be scared of losing my job, too. But mainly this was due to my fear of not finding another one, or another one with the same pay or in the same area. Much of it was also lack of confidence in my ability to grow and deliver beyond what I already knew.
Now I wouldn’t like being fired/ made redundant, but I’m not scared of it anymore.
What has changed (and this is a process that took a few years):
I know my worth. This comes from having a list of valuable contributions I made to the company, countless thank you notes from colleagues, having been approached to join teams on various occasions and so on. I suggest you make yourself a folder where you collect things like this. It’s not to brag but to build a library of evidence so you believe yourself that you have a lot to offer.
I transitioned to a new role where I had to learn everything from scratch: the topic, the part of the company, the technical underpinnings, the people…. It’s been hard and uncomfortable, at times, but I’ve seen first hand that I can learn anything and built my confidence in quickly adapting to new situations. Also was proof that I have agency. So why don’t you try the same, even on a small scale? Venture out, take part in projects that have nothing to do with your current role, push beyond your comfort zone.
I’m prepared to let go of my standard of living. That is something that would take some big “getting used to”, but when push comes to shove I know I’ll be willing to move to a smaller flat, cut my spending in half, maybe even sell some belongings. I’d also consider relocating (to a certain extent) in order to find a new job. You can ask yourself these questions, too. When it comes to the worst possible situation: Is your life flexible enough to allow you to bounce back from unemployment? Are you debt-free (if not, start working on that)? Do you have some money saved? What are you prepared to give up for a period of time to make ends meet?